The Essential Entrepreneur

November 17, 2022
Official global launch of The Essential Entrepreneur!
What a night we had in Adelaide with over 200 guests attending at historic Ayers House and a waiting list to get into the event! The book was launched by the Premier of South Australia, the Hon. Peter Malinauskis with a special introduction by Dr Jana Matthews from the Australian Centre for Business Growth. 

Richard Turner then talked about the book and facilitated two captivating panels of the books contributors including entrepreneurs – Tobi Pearce (co-founder SWEAT), Matthew Pearson (co-founder Fleet Space) and Simon Haigh (Haigh’s Chocolates) on the first panel and then the industry experts – Kirsten Bernhardt (Artesian Ventures), Bill McFarlane (Madderns Trademark & Patent Attorneys) and Craig Yeung (Motus Legal).
Wine was supplied by the wonderful “Reilly’s Wines” and everyone who attended received a copy of The Essential Entrepreneur.
Whether you are thinking of starting a business, in the process, or wanting to scale, this is for you!
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