The Essential Entrepreneur

November 29, 2022
The Sydney launch of The Essential Entrepreneur!

We have all those moments at the dinner table: the brilliant idea that’s going to take the market by storm.

Most of us leave the idea there. After all, starting a business is a lot of work and usually involves a fair amount of risk. But for those who want to take that good idea and make it a reality, where do you even begin?

In an uncertain economy, many Australians are looking at ways to create a secondary income. And many have a great idea for that income, but the vast majority fail – simply because they aren’t aware of the fundamentals.

Business Sydney and in conjunction with CBD Sydney Chamber last night held a reception & book Launch for ‘The Essential Entrepreneur’ by Richard Turner renowned Australian Entrepreneur, Innovator and Business Leader. After Richard’s presentation, he participated in Q&A which was facilitated by Jacqui Attard the CEO of Realise Business

In The Essential Entrepreneur book written by Richard, he delivers a practical, step-by-step approach to starting and growing a thriving enterprise. If you’re ready to take your fledgling business to the next level—and finally follow that brilliant big idea—this guide covers everything you’ll need to navigate the challenges ahead.

Last night, Richard shared straightforward advice and hands-on, real-world lessons outlining the key points people need to know to start and grow their venture. His lessons are supported by the experience and wisdom of a panel of diverse experts: Tobi Pearce (co-founder of SWEAT), Flavia Tata Nardini (of Fleet Space Technologies), Simon Haigh (of Haigh’s Chocolates), and Kirsten Bernhardt (skilled investment manager).

Most small businesses struggle to get moving. Richard’s book will help businesses get ahead in the race. A can’t-miss resource for start-up entrepreneurs and business owners, The Essential Entrepreneur outlines everything you need to know to hit the ground running.

Over sixty business leaders were in attendance.

Richard Turner is a renowned Australian entrepreneur, innovator, and business leader. The founder of four successful companies across four different industry sectors, Richard is a former Australian Entrepreneur of the Year.

Thank you Samantha Symonds for helping facilitate this event.